How are residents hurt in nursing homes?

by | Dec 1, 2017 | nursing home abuse

If you have recently helped your loved one relocate to a nursing home, or are living in a facility yourself, you could have different concerns, from the cost of living in the facility to the emotional impact of relocation. However, there are other problems that can arise in nursing homes and it is essential for you to keep an eye out for any instances of wrongdoing. Sadly, many nursing home residents have sustained an injury due to the negligent behavior of someone else inside a nursing home.

On their site, the State of Michigan has offered a number of examples of nursing home abuse. For example, a resident may be physically assaulted or subjected to illegal sexual conduct at the hands of someone who works for a nursing home. Residents may be neglected, whether they develop bedsores, become extremely dehydrated, lose a significant amount of weight, or are hurt under questionable circumstances.

In fact, residents can even be hurt from a financial standpoint. For example, someone who is living in a nursing home could have their credit card number stolen, funds taken out of their account, or face another example of theft. Moreover, some residents have experienced severe emotional distress after being subjected to relentless harassment and verbal abuse.

On a daily basis, some people who live in nursing homes are seriously hurt at the hands of a person who is employed to offer care and support. These incidents are unacceptable, and it is paramount for anyone who suspects nursing home abuse to take action.