Each year, far too many lives are lost in motor vehicle wrecks. Sadly, some of these accidents claim the lives of very young children who had their entire lives ahead of them. Children die in accidents in different ways and sometimes their deaths could not have been prevented by their parents, such as instances where a reckless driver decided to drive drunk. Sadly, some of these fatalities were entirely preventable and happened because of ignorance or carelessness, such as the improper use of car seats.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that during 2015, there were 35 kids who were under the age of 13 years old and lost their lives in an auto accident while they were not restrained. Sadly, these kids were not wearing seat belts or restrained in a booster seat or car seat and if they had been, some of them may still be alive today. Fortunately, the NHTSA also reports that the lives of more than 240 kids who were under the age of 5 were saved as a result of car seat use.
It is essential for parents to make sure that their child is restrained in the appropriate type of car seat for their child’s age and size. Moreover, car seats and booster seats should be installed properly and parents should always ensure that the child stays restrained when they take to the road. By paying careful attention to car seat use, parents can reduce the likelihood of their child becoming seriously hurt or killed in a motor vehicle crash.